-by Donald Perdue
A current work-in-progress nearing completion, Genie of Shelburne Shore is hand-carved from Iberville Shale (traditionally used by Inuit sculptors), that I sourced from the west shore of Lake Champlain.
I have begun working through a new series of digitally generated renderings based on photos of my sculptural studies and scans of my traditionally generated drawings. The intent of these studies is to create images that will be editioned as prints.
I begin by imagining what can I do using digital rendering techniques inherent in various photo editing type applications to try out different realizations of pieces and in some cases go well beyond that to explore compositional evolutions. The digital processes allow many freedoms not readily achieved otherwise such as working several versions side by side, flipping forms, shrinking & enlarging selected elements and extensive variations of coloring, surface texturing, layering and more. All allowing many stimulating creative possibilities.
Current accepting pre-orders for a limited edition run of prints – contact Donald Perdue to reserve yours now.
This piece is one in a series of sculptural studies & drawings I’m doing to explore capturing the forms, features, and three dimensional dynamics of Heronesque imagery. These are part of a larger series exploring a variety of bird based two & three dimensional works.
The piece itself is 2”H x 7”L x 1.25”D, carved from a locust wood limb. These photos are of a work in progress showing the roughed out carving prior to applying polychromed finish.
JOIN US FOR AN OPENING RECEPTION Friday, October 5, 5 – 7pm.
Father and son artists present complimentary works in a variety of media. Both artist’s works range from abstract to figurative genres, inspired by cultural observations, jazz music, contemporary dance, and creative explorations of the artists’ respective visual experiences.
Sculptor Don Perdue’s work includes wood carvings & constructions, cast stone pieces, bronze & aluminum castings, relief works in fired clay & carved foam with faux stone surfacings, plus maquettes & photos of a variety of his large format, site-specific commissions.
Painter Justin Perdue’s work includes multimedia paintings, constructions and collages.
Gallery hours are Monday through Saturday noon to five, and an hour before any public events in the building. The Jackson Gallery is located at Town Hall Theater, 68 S. Pleasant Street, Middlebury, VT 05753.
For further information call 802-382-9222 or visit www.TownHallTheater.org
The planning, making and casting from plaster waste molds will be covered in this workshop. In addition to demonstrating the overall process, participants will be engaged in the hands-on steps of creating mold section divider walls, mixing and applying the plaster warning & reinforcing coats, incorporating external mold reinforcing braces, opening, cleaning-out and prepping a fresh mold, pouring a plaster casting, and chipping-out a fresh casting. Attendees are encouraged to bring an example of their work in clay to discuss how to make a waste mold from it. Lists of mold making materials and suppliers will be provided along with printed copies of the step by step instructions for making a plaster waste mold. This special, in-depth demonstration/workshop will wrap up with a Q&A session.
Bring a bag lunch. Deadline to register is June 12.
Friday, June 22, 9AM-4:30PM, Tuition $185
Visit the Middlebury Studio School for more info or Download Registration form (pdf)
Don will demonstrate a variety of techniques for modeling figurative and non-figurative sculpture with plaster. Dos & don’ts of mixing and working with plaster, constructing armatures, and using reinforcing materials will be explained in the process of working on several different size demonstration pieces throughout the session. Demos and hands-on participation will include: plaster mix-ing guidelines and ratios, direct plaster modeling without an armature, basic armature construction, & direct modeling on armatures. Students should plan on bringing working models, sketches, plaster tools and a bag lunch for a midday discussion about using plaster to give form to their ideas.
Printed reference materials as well as step by step instructions and tips for modeling in plaster will be provided. Deadline to register is July 17.
Friday, July 27, 9AM-4:30PM, Tuition $185
Visit the Middlebury Studio School for more info or Download Registration form (pdf)
The focus of this demonstration workshop will be helping studio sculptors, teachers and art students choose and use pourable casting resins to make hollow castings from rubber molds. We will begin with a discussion about the several types of resins, curing times, and necessary working conditions. The discussion will be followed by demonstrating mold prepping, preparing any reinforcing needed for making particular types of castings. With the mold & reinforcements ready, we’ll move on to mixing and pouring a resin casting, allow for curing time, remove the casting from the mold, clean up the raw casting, go over a few surfacing & finished techniques, and bring it all together by deciding on a particular mounting solution. Students should plan on bringing an example of their work that they want to discuss casting. Printed reference materials as well as step by step instructions will be provided. Bring a bag lunch. Deadline to register is July 31
Friday, August 10, 9AM-4:30PM, Tuition $185
Visit the Middlebury Studio School for more info or Download Registration form (pdf)
Sculptor Don Perdue will be offering classes this spring at the Middlebury Studio School – please call 802-247-3702, email middleburystudioschool@<gmail.com or click here to learn more and enroll.
Sculpting in Clay – Instructor, Don Perdue
Students will continue refining applied modeling and clay use techniques in conjunction with learning more about the compositional & design principles of sculpture. Both figurative and non-figurative approaches are included. Students will be encouraged to explore working in both full round and relief techniques. The objective being to realize well composed pieces which express unique ideas that actively involve an interplay of positive forms, negative space, light & shadow ,and the dynamics of surface texture. The dual goals being to create pieces that can be fired directly and/or used as patterns for making molds and casting in clay, plaster or cement compounds. Students may purchase clay from MSS and will need to buy their armature, mold making and casting supplies individually.
Saturday, February 10, 1-2:30PM
This demo will highlight the hands-on techniques Don will be teaching in his upcoming studio classes at the Middlebury Studio School.
Don will be showing several “Terracotta” methods of sculpting with clay that make it possible to fire the resulting pieces when completed or use such a piece as a pattern for making a mold and subsequently casting it in clay, plaster or other media. In addition, he will be showing how to make and use a basic armature for modeling sculptural works in either water clay or non-drying plastilene along with examples of his own work cast in clay, plaster, cast stone, and bronze.
Don Perdue presently has works being exhibited in the Annual Holiday group show at the Jackson Gallery at Town Hall Theater and recently participated in the Town Hall Theater’s Great Cherry Woodcraft Exhibit last October with his Summer Sylph cherry wood assemblage/carving.
Don’s work has been exhibited in art centers, galleries, museums, and is included in private and public collections. In addition, he has made a variety of commissioned pieces ranging from portraits, to large outdoor site-specific pieces, to editioning a half life-sized Canada Goose in Flight series of bronze castings in cooperation with the National Audubon Society.
Sculptor Don Perdue will be offering classes this winter at the Middlebury Studio School – please call 802-247-3702, email middleburystudioschool@gmail.com or click here to learn more and enroll.
Direct Sculpting in Clay – Instructor, Don Perdue
Jump in and create your own hands-on sculpture. Learn and refine the techniques and design principles of sculpting with clay. In these workshops we will be exploring both figurative and non-figurative sculpture in the round as well as the various forms of relief . The objective will be to realize well composed pieces that express each participant’s unique ideas through using direct, hand-building techniques so that the resulting pieces can be either fired or used to make piece molds from during the spring sessions. Tuition includes 12.5 lb. of water clay.
Modeling In Clay – Instructor, Don Perdue
These studio sessions will focus on the techniques and considerations of modeling full round and relief sculptural ideas in traditional water clay and plasticine clays, as well as designing and constructing armatures for working in clay. During Session One, the focus will be on choosing the right clay body for your project along with the armature techniques & materials you will need to support the clay piece you have in mind, constructing your armature and laying up your piece in clay. Session Two will focus on developing the skills with tools and materials essential to developing each learner’s personal abilities. Through experience, each sculptor develops many personal variations in using materials & techniques to achieve one’s own language of forms and style. Resulting projects should be considered as possible patterns to make waste and/or piece molds from during the spring season when it will be possible to work with plaster.
Tuition includes 12.5 lb. water clay. Plasticine and armature materials will need to be purchased separately.